Trade Guide

The Role of Automation in Shipment Tracking

The role of automation in shipment tracking

Shipment tracking is a must-have for any company that ships goods. Staying on top of your shipments 24/7 is the key to delivering on time and avoiding any setbacks.

These days, technology rules the tracking game. Automation has revolutionized the industry, bringing in real-time updates, improved accuracy, and streamlined processes. This article will show you how automation is changing the shipment tracking game and how tools like Visiwise Visibility Platform can help you stay ahead of the competition.

Automation Takes the Reigns

If you’ve been in the shipping industry for a while, you’ll remember the old days of manual tracking. It was time-consuming, inefficient, and prone to errors. You had to check shipping lines’ websites every day, update excel sheets, and make sure everything was in order. It was a tedious process, and mistakes were common.

With the advent of technology, shipment tracking has come a long way. Automation has revolutionized the industry, bringing in real-time updates, improved accuracy, and streamlined processes. Say goodbye to the days of manual tracking with phone calls, emails, and paper-based systems.

Today, you can track your shipments with ease using software that automates the process. With automation, you can minimize the risk of human error, save time, and improve communication with customers.

Why Automation Reigns Supreme

Real-time updates, improved accuracy, and seamless processes – that’s the power of automation in shipment tracking. With real-time updates, you always have a clear understanding of your shipment’s status. One of the best things about Visiwise is that you can have a Map Veiw of all your shipments and see the live location and real-time status of them on a world map. You don’t need to do all the jobs you had to; now you can have a look at your display and see what’s going on! Read the story of RA INTERNATIONAL, one of our partners who use the map view and other features of Visiwise for better shipment tracking.

Why Real-Time Updates are a Game-Changer

Real-time updates are a game-changer for shipment tracking as they provide up-to-date information on the status of your shipment. This means you know exactly where your shipment is, what time it was last scanned, and any potential delays it might face. For example, in the past, companies had to rely on outdated methods of shipment tracking, such as manually checking the shipping line’s website or relying on updates from the carrier via phone or email. However, with real-time updates, you can avoid these time-consuming and error-prone tasks and get instant access to the latest information.

Having access to real-time updates is essential for meeting deadlines and avoiding any potential headaches. For instance, if a shipment is delayed, you can immediately notify your customers and take action to minimize the impact on your business operations. Furthermore, real-time updates can help you improve your planning and reduce costs. By knowing the exact location of your shipment, you can optimize your shipping routes, reduce storage costs, and prevent any unnecessary shipping expenses.

In summary, having access to real-time updates can lead to happy customers, better planning, and reduced costs. It can also save you time and minimize the risk of errors, ensuring that you stay ahead of the competition in the shipping industry. 

Accuracy is Everything

Automation boosts accuracy, reducing human error. This is critical for keeping your shipment information accurate and reducing the risk of mistakes. And it leads to reduced costs, improved efficiency, and happier customers. Copying and pasting hundreds of long reference numbers in multiple excel sheets will always confuse you. But now, accuracy is available as its best version.

Get the Right Shipment Management System for Your Business

Picking a shipment management system is not easy, and we all know it takes your attention to the details. It’s important to think about what your business needs, like the size, the complexity of your operations, and the type of shipments you handle. This way, you’ll know what system fits best and helps optimize your shipment tracking.

But, hold up – don’t forget about the system’s user-friendliness. You want your employees to be able to use it quickly, without a bunch of headaches. That’s how you keep your shipment tracking processes streamlined and efficient. There is no way you can manage your operation with a complex and hard-to-understand platform. As you are going to use it every day, it should be straightforward enough to work easily.

Why Automation is the Way to Go

Automating shipment tracking brings some major benefits, like increased efficiency and productivity. You can automate manual tasks like data entry and checking different sources for tracking information, freeing up time and resources for more important things. Automation also keeps your shipments tracked consistently, reducing the risk of mistakes and delays. Sometimes it is easy to miss a shipment update, and it causes extra costs for you just because you didn’t have much visibility.

Automation gives you better visibility and control. You get real-time updates on your shipments and can quickly identify any issues. This helps you respond fast, reducing the risk of delivery delays and ensuring your shipments arrive on time and in good condition. Being on time is the key to shipment management.

Visiwise Visibility Platform: Your Tracking Partner

Visiwise Visibility Platform is a shipment management system that provides real-time tracking data with a single click in a single place. It automates manual processes and gives you a dashboard for tracking shipments, managing them and getting updates about shipment changes.

Visiwise brings all the benefits of automation to the table: streamlined processes, improved accuracy, and real-time updates. It helps you run your shipment operations more efficiently and effectively, giving you an edge over the competition.

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